Library Rules

- Every student is required to bring his / her ID card to the library and show it when required.
- Students of +1, +2 & Graduation classes can get two books and students of Post Graduation classes can get three books for 15 days.
- Once issued book cannot be reissued immediately.
- On every book returned late from the due date (up to one month late). Delay fee of Rs. 5 per day will be charged. After that special penalty will be charged.
- Students who have not returned the book on the due date will not be issued another book.
- Reference books, Syllabus etc. cannot be issued. Such books can be read in the library.
- Before issuing the books, every student should check the book and report any defect immediately. In any case, the student will be responsible for the defective book when returning the book.
- Report the loss of the library card to the library Teacher. A second card can be obtained by depositing a fee of Rs.100.
- The book issued to any student can be demanded before the due date if required.
- The library book is property of the college. Therefore, it should not be marked in any way. In that case the student will have to pay fixed penalty.
- Students should help the college administrators to create a conducive learning environment by staying disciplined during their presence at the college.
- In their free time, students should make good use of their time by visiting the library.